Parent Layer:
Administrative Boundaries
Name: Neighborhoods
Display Field: NAMELSAD10
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: 2017 Tract-level Indicators of Potential Disadvantage for the DVRPC RegionTitle VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Executive Order on Environmental Justice (#12898) do not provide specific guidance to evaluate EJ issues within a region's transportation planning process. Therefore, MPOs must devise their own methods for ensuring that EJ issues are investigated and evaluated in transportation decision-making. In 2001, DVRPC developed an EJ technical assessment to identify direct and disparate impacts of its plans, programs, and planning process on defined population groups in the Delaware Valley region. This assessment, called the Indicators of Potential Disadvantage Methodology, is utilized in a variety of DVRPC plans and programs. DVRPC currently assesses the following population groups, defined by the U.S. Census Bureau:YouthOlder AdultsFemaleRacial MinorityEthnic MinorityForeign BornDisabledLimited English ProficiencyLow-IncomeCensus tables used to gather data from the 2013 -2017 American Community Survey 5-Year EstimatesUsing U.S. Census American Community Survey data, the population groups listed above are identified and located at the census tract level. Data is gathered at the regional level, combining populations from each of the nine counties, for either individuals or households, depending on the indicator. From there, the total number of persons in each demographic group is divided by the appropriate universe (either population or households) for the nine-county region, providing a regional average for that population group. Any census tract that meets or exceeds the regional average level, or threshold, is considered an EJ-sensitive tract for that group.Census tables used to gather data from the 2013 - 2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates.For more information and for methodology, visit DVRPC's website: of tract boundaries: US Census Bureau. The TIGER/Line FilesFieldAliasDescriptionGEOID10GEOID10Census tract identifier (text)STATEFP10State FIPSFIPS Code for StateCOUNTYFP10County FIPSFIPS Code for CountyNAME10Tract NumberTract NumbergeoidNumGEOID10 NumericCensus tract identifier (numeric)Y_CntEstYouth Count EstimateEstimated count of youth population (under 18 years)Y_CntMOEYouth Count MOEMargin of error for estimated count of youth populationY_PctEstYouth Percentage EstimateEstimated percentage of youth population (under 18 years)Y_PctMOEYouth Percentage MOEMargin of error for percentage of youth populationY_PctileYouth PercentileTract's regional percentile for percentage youthY_ClassYouth ClassificationClassification of tract's youth percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above averageY_ScoreYouth ScoreCorresponding numeric score for tract's youth classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4OA_CntEstOlder Adult Count EstimateEstimated count of older adult population (65 years or older)OA_CntMOEOlder Adult Count MOEMargin of error for estimated count of older adult populationOA_PctEstOlder Adult Percentage EstimateEstimated percentage of older adult population (65 years or older)OA_PctMOEOlder Adult Percentage MOEMargin of error for percentage of older adult populationOA_PctileOlder Adult PercentileTract's regional percentile for percentage older adultOA_ClassOlder Adult ClassificationClassification of tract's older adult percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above averageOA_ScoreOlder Adult ScoreCorresponding numeric score for tract's older adult classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4F_CntEstFemale Count EstimateEstimated count of female populationF_CntMOEFemale Count MOEMargin of error for estimated count of female populationF_PctEstFemale Percentage EstimateEstimated percentage of female populationF_PctMOEFemale Percentage MOEMargin of error for percentage of female populationF_PctileFemale PercentileTract's regional percentile for percentage femaleF_ClassFemale ClassificationClassification of tract's female percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above averageF_ScoreFemale ScoreCorresponding numeric score for tract's female classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4RM_CntEstRacial Minority Count EstimateEstimated count of non-white populationRM_CntMOERacial Minority Count MOEMargin of error for estimated count of non-white populationRM_PctEstRacial Minority Percentage EstimateEstimated percentage of non-white populationRM_PctMOERacial Minority Percentage MOEMargin of error for percentage of non-white populationRM_PctileRacial Minority PercentileTract's regional percentile for percentage non-whiteRM_ClassRacial Minority ClassificationClassification of tract's non-white percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above averageRM_ScoreRacial Minority ScoreCorresponding numeric score for tract's non-white classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4EM_CntEstEthnic Minority Count EstimateEstimated count of Hispanic/Latino populationEM_CntMOEEthnic Minority Count MOEMargin of error for estimated count of Hispanic/Latino populationEM_PctEstEthnic Minority Percentage EstimateEstimated percentage of Hispanic/Latino populationEM_PctMOEEthnic Minority Percentage MOEMargin of error for percentage of Hispanic/Latino populationEM_PctileEthnic Minority PercentileTract's regional percentile for percentage Hispanic/LatinoEM_ClassEthnic Minority ClassificationClassification of tract's Hispanic/Latino percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above averageEM_ScoreEthnic Minority ScoreCorresponding numeric score for tract's Hispanic/Latino classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4FB_CntEstForeign Born Count EstimateEstimated count of foreign born populationFB_CntMOEForeign Born Count MOEMargin of error for estimated count of foreign born populationFB_PctEstForeign Born Percentage EstimateEstimated percentage of foreign born populationFB_PctMOEForeign Born Percentage MOEMargin of error for percentage of foreign born populationFB_PctileForeign Born PercentileTract's regional percentile for percentage foreign bornFB_ClassForeign Born ClassificationClassification of tract's foreign born percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above averageFB_ScoreForeign Born ScoreCorresponding numeric score for tract's foreign born classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4LEP_CntEstLimited English Proficiency Count EstimateEstimated count of limited english proficiency populationLEP_CntMoeLimited English Proficiency Count MOEMargin of error for estimated count of limited english proficiency populationLEP_PctEstLimited English Proficiency Percentage EstimateEstimated percentage of limited english proficiency populationLEP_PctMOELimited English Proficiency Percentage MOEMargin of error for percentage of limited english proficiency populationLEP_PctileLimited English Proficiency PercentileTract's regional percentile for percentage limited english proficiencyLEP_ClassLimited English Proficiency ClassificationClassification of tract's limited english proficiency percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above averageLEP_ScoreLimited English Proficiency ScoreCorresponding numeric score for tract's limited english proficiency classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4D_CntEstDisabled Count EstimateEstimated count of disabled populationD_CntMOEDisabled Count MOEMargin of error for estimated count of disabled populationD_PctEstDisabled Percentage EstimateEstimated percentage of disabled populationD_PctMOEDisabled Percentage MOEMargin of error for percentage of disabled populationD_PctileDisabled PercentileTract's regional percentile for percentage disabledD_ClassDisabled ClassificationClassification of tract's disabled percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above averageD_ScoreDisabled ScoreCorresponding numeric score for tract's disabled classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4LI_CntEstLow Income Count EstimateEstimated count of low income (below 200% of poverty level) populationLI_CntMOELow Income Count MOEMargin of error for estimated count of low income populationLI_PctEstLow Income Percentage EstimateEstimated percentage of low income (below 200% of poverty level) populationLI_PctMOELow Income Percentage MOEMargin of error for percentage of low income populationLI_PctileLow Income PercentileTract's regional percentile for percentage low incomeLI_ClassLow Income ClassificationClassification of tract's low income percentage as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above averageLI_ScoreLow Income ScoreCorresponding numeric score for tract's low income classification: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4U_TPopEstTotal Population EstimateEstimated total population of tract (universe [or denominator] for youth, older adult, female, racial minoriry, ethnic minority, & foreign born)U_TPopMOETotal Population MOEMargin of error for estimated total population of tractU_Pop6+EstPopulation 6+ EstimateEstimated population over five years of age (universe [or denominator] for limited english proficiency)U_Pop6+MOEPopulation 6+ MOEMargin of error for estimated population over five years of ageU_PPovEstPoverty Status Pop EstimateEstimated population for whom poverty status is determined (universe [or denominator] for low income)U_PPovMOEPoverty Status Pop MOEMargin of error for estimated population for whom poverty status is determinedU_PNICEstNon-Institutional Civilian Pop EstimateEstimated noninsitutional civilian population (universe [or denominator] for disabled)U_PNICMOENon-Institutional Civilian Pop MOEMargin of error for estimated noninstitutional civilian populationIPD_ScoreComposite ScoreOverall score adding the classification scores across all nine variablesIPD_RangeComposite Score RangeRange of composite scores that make up the composite classification as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average (for map symbolization purposes only)IPD_ClassComposite ClassificationClassification of composite scores as: well below average, below average, average, above average, or well above average (for map symbolization purposes only)
Service Item Id: ec1d65aa84224de3ba65e94871cbace8
Copyright Text: Recipients of DVRPC digital files will credit DVRPC as the source of the data when producing maps, publications, reports, or other documents that utilize DVRPC files.
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