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snippet: The Trust for Public Land's ParkServe® Database
summary: The Trust for Public Land's ParkServe® Database
extent: [[-165.425224128071,17.9259844535246],[-65.2961736673629,71.3131036585405]]
accessInformation: 2023 The Trust for Public Land
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: ParkServe® includes a comprehensive standardized database of local parks in the 13,913 cities, towns and communities. In phase one, census designated urban areas were used to define where to collect and create local data for cities, towns and communities. For each city, town and community, geographic boundaries were obtained from the US ParkServe® includes a comprehensive standardized database of local parks in almost 14,000 cities, towns and communities. For any city, town or community that touches a census-designated urban area, geographic boundaries and associated population estimates are derived from Esri’s 2020 Demographic Forecasts. Park data were acquired for each of these places by first contacting each city, town and community with a request for their parks data. If no GIS data was provided, the ParkServe® team created GIS data for the place based on available resources, such as park information from municipal websites, GIS data available from counties and states, and satellite imagery.
title: ParkServe_Shareable
type: Map Service
tags: ["ParkServe","TPL","web"]
culture: en-US
name: ParkServe_Shareable
guid: 70BC25D4-6BF9-4E9E-ADAA-3DA3386065AE
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere